History teaches us: in the past is the future.
The Aresu family grew up bearing in mind the past work,
while improving and innovating.

The Aresu family

We are halfway through the 20th century, when the Aresu/Corona Family started producing cheeses in Sardinia. Those were the years of the post-war period, when the reconstruction of Italy and Sardinia was under way and, as the cold chain did not yet exist, it was the Aresu Family, especially Granma Assunta, who took care of the daily processing of the milk produced on the hills of Donori, a small village in the south of the island.

The value of history…

When the shepherds hand milked and the milk was transported to the country on horseback, and sometimes on a donkey’s back. Production started by heating the raw milk on a wood fire; the newly produced cheese was poured into raw aluminium moulds, and then stored in cool cellars carved from stone. The first deliveries were made by steam train, while ships took a whole day to connect Sardinia to the rest of Italy.

Since then, everything has changed,
except us…

…because today, to follow the production, there is still the Aresu Family, who participates and takes care personally of the choice of ingredients required for the production of a great Sardinian cheese, without forgetting how this all began.